Sunday, December 11, 2011

Are you living in the New Covenant or Old?

2 Corinthinians 3: 7-18

Christians today could be living ignorantly under a covenant of death. In chapter three of Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians, Paul address’s the topic of covenant change. Paul uses the well-known Old Testament story of Moses and the Ten Commandments to explain the glory of the New Covenant that Jesus Christ established. Within this passage, Paul sheds light on an interesting concept. Even today God fearing Christians could place themselves under the weight of the Old Covenant which Paul refers to as the ministry of death.
In 2 Corinthians 3: 15-16 Paul writes, “Even to this day when Moses is read, a veil covers their hearts. But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away.” Paul clearly shows in this passage that a veil is imagery for the old covenant, and being, “Unveiled,” represents the new covenant. It is possible for Christians today to be living with a spiritual veil; resulting in condemnation, judgment, and powerlessness.

New Testament Christians have been given a counselor to lead them in ways of truth. This is the glory of the new covenant. It is promised that the Holy Spirit will be with us forever. Submitting to the spirit of almighty God is how we can walk in freedom. Freedom is not opportunity to indulge in fleshly desires. This does not give us the freedom to do whatever we want. Instead this freedom gives us the power to do what we formally could not, which is living in righteousness. True Christ won liberty is the opportunity to serve, worship, and walk beside our creator God. This gives us the greatest joy and a boldness to proclaim Gods truth and glory.

Many believers may become offended at the notion that they might not be walking in the freedom of the new covenant. They may be offended at the thought that they are being asked to turn to the Lord. This offense is one of the best signs that a person is not living under the new covenant. It is only by turning to Christ every single day that we can be transformed in ever-increasing glory.

Are you living in freedom with the spirit? Or are you living in condemnation and powerlessness? Turn to the Lord.. let the Holy Spirit lead you and enjoy the empowering freedom Christ bought for you!

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